Tuesday Night Dinner 28-Mar-2023

Green salad with blue cheese garlic dressing.

Braised Pork Marbella, no red pepper flakes and replaced anchovy with 1/2 tablespoon fish sauce (Cook’s Country April/May 2023)

Egg noodles

Fried Ice Cream. We had frozen vanilla Umpqua ice cream balls coated in crushed corn flakes from last week, but used 2 whipped egg whites with sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, salt and then another layer of crushed corn flakes with more sugar and more cinnamon, and they were significantly better and crunchier.

Tuesday Night Dinner 21-Mar-2023

Artichoke with ghost pepper mayonnaise

Green salad with blue cheese garlic dressing.

Orange-Ginger Pork Tenderloin (America’s Test Kitchen Simple Weeknight Favorites).

Persian Barley-Vegetable Soup (Milk Street Tuesday Nights). Used partially cooked pearled barley instead of quick-cooking barley (unable to find quick-cooking in any of the grocery stores).

Fried Ice Cream, Umpqua Vanilla (Ben and Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream and Dessert Book). The batter did a good job of containing the ice cream, but was very salty and not crunchy.

Tuesday Night Dinner 14-Mar-2023

Artichoke with ghost pepper mayonnaise

Green salad with blue cheese garlic dressing.

America’s Test Kitchen Skillet Pan Pizza (with mushroom, onion, and peperonni). https://www.google.com/search?q=america%E2%80%99s+test+kitchen+cast+iron+pan+pizza+(ep+2122)&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS797US797&oq=&aqs=chrome.2.35i39i362j46i39i362j35i39i362l6.86928721j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:453c94d5,vid:-srfPL5CWZs

Dairy Queen Classic Ice Cream Cake.

Tuesday Night Dinner 07-Mar-2023

Green salad with lemon shallot parmesean vinegrette.

Roasted Cauliflower (Milk Street Tuesday Night Dinners) with basbaas sauce.

Chicken Cordon Bleu (Inserted one slice of swiss and 2/3 slice of perfectly melting cheese slice from Moderinst Cuisine, one slice of ham off the bone from WinCo, egg white and brown mustard coating, flour base, panko and parmesean crust).

Appetizers of creamy cauliflower soup (https://www.americastestkitchen.com/cooksillustrated/articles/6643-creamy-cauliflower-soup) with Hobbit Bread buttered toast.

Dairy Queen Classic Ice Cream Cake.

Tuesday Night Dinner 28-Feb-2023

Green salad with blue cheese garlic dressing.

Chicken Nuggets (medallion cut, panko and parmesean crust, flour and corn starch base, egg white and habanero sauce).

Shrimp sauce, sweet and sour, store bought BBQ, and hot mustard sauces.

Winco frozen seasoned fries (but we fried them, of course).

Boston Cream Pie (The New Best Recipe) – Not too impressed with the foolproof sponge cake. Maybe it is foolproof, but not idiot proof.