Tuesday Night Dinner 17-May-2022

Salad with garlic blue cheese dressing

Juicy Grilled Turkey Burgers (Best of America’s Test Kitchen 2014)

Cauliflower with Modernist Cuisine Cheese Sauce

Lemon Posset with Strawberries and whipped cream (America’s Test Kitchen the best of 2017)

Tuesday Night Dinner 10-May-2022

We had:

Quick Clam Chowder (The America’s Test Kitchen Family Cookbook),

Hobbit Toast, heavily buttered,

Roasted brocolli and caulflower with Modernist Cusisine cheese sauce.

Salad with blue cheese dressing (red leaf lettuce, carrots, celery, yellow pepper, green olives, english cucumber)

Morel gluten-free mac and cheese (romano, cheddar, Gruyère) chicken casserole

Tuesday Night Dinner 3-May-2022

Tonight we had:

Salad with pickled egg and blue cheese garlic dressing

Left over mashed potatoes with cheese and garlic

Brocolli and cheese sauce

Tuscan style rosemary/garlic/lemon pork loin roast with vinegrette (edit: From The Best of 2017, America’s Test Kitchen)

and for dessert we haven’t had it yet, but Chris brought gluten free carrot cake.